Harga Panasonic KX-HTS32
Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-HTS32 Harga Compact Hybrid IP-PBX.
Pabx tipe KX-HTS32 ini sudah include power supply, co line, port untuk extension digital/analog, IP/SIP, Doorphone, serta Voice Message. Sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan komunikasi Small Office / Home Office. Dapatkan Harga Compact Hybrid IP-PBX KX-HTS32 terbaik dari Kami
The KX-HTS32 is a Compact Hybrid IP-PBX which supports a maximum of 8 trunks/24 extensions. It works flexibly in both IP and Legacy configuration(or a mix).Built-in capacity covers all ‘basic’ needs.
The KX-HTS32 has both PSTN/SIP for trunks and single line telephone and SIP terminals for extensions. A full line-up of terminals including video phones is available.
The KX-HTS32 supports a capacity for 6 SIP trunks and 24 SIP extensions without additional devices or activation keys. An analogue capacity of 4 trunks and 8 extensions is also built-in, which can be maximized to 8 trunks and 24 extensions with optional cards. Initial costs can be saved by using built-in hardware.
The built-in Meet-Me Conference Function enables multiple employees to have a quick phone conference by simply dialing the conference room number and PIN number.
This function is built-in to the KX-HTS32 main unit. No additional devices or activation keys are necessary.
Setiap pembelian Pabx Panasonic KX-HTS32 anda mendapatkan FREE SIP Telepon tipe KX-HDV130 untuk program main unit pabx.
Jasa Pemasangan, Setting dan Programming Pabx KX-HTS32
Anda sudah membeli perangkat mesin telepon (pabx KX-HTS32) tetapi tidak mempunyai keahlian untuk pemasangannya?
atau Pabx KX-HTS32 sudah terpasang tetapi belum diprogram?
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Pabx tipe KX-HTS32 ini sudah include power supply, co line, port untuk extension digital/analog, IP/SIP, Doorphone, serta Voice Message. Sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan komunikasi Small Office / Home Office. Dapatkan Harga Compact Hybrid IP-PBX KX-HTS32 terbaik dari Kami
The KX-HTS32 is a Compact Hybrid IP-PBX which supports a maximum of 8 trunks/24 extensions. It works flexibly in both IP and Legacy configuration(or a mix).Built-in capacity covers all ‘basic’ needs.
The KX-HTS32 has both PSTN/SIP for trunks and single line telephone and SIP terminals for extensions. A full line-up of terminals including video phones is available.
The KX-HTS32 supports a capacity for 6 SIP trunks and 24 SIP extensions without additional devices or activation keys. An analogue capacity of 4 trunks and 8 extensions is also built-in, which can be maximized to 8 trunks and 24 extensions with optional cards. Initial costs can be saved by using built-in hardware.
The built-in Meet-Me Conference Function enables multiple employees to have a quick phone conference by simply dialing the conference room number and PIN number.
This function is built-in to the KX-HTS32 main unit. No additional devices or activation keys are necessary.
Setiap pembelian Pabx Panasonic KX-HTS32 anda mendapatkan FREE SIP Telepon tipe KX-HDV130 untuk program main unit pabx.
Jasa Pemasangan, Setting dan Programming Pabx KX-HTS32
Anda sudah membeli perangkat mesin telepon (pabx KX-HTS32) tetapi tidak mempunyai keahlian untuk pemasangannya?
atau Pabx KX-HTS32 sudah terpasang tetapi belum diprogram?
Silakan hubungi kami.