Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-NS300

Rp. 7.000.000

KX-NS300 has sufficient capacity for both legacy and IP ports, and an activation key or expansion cabinet can be used to easily expand the system according to customer needs.The Panasonic KX-NS300 Smart Hybrid PBX is a cost effective legacy and IP communication system for small and medium sized companies that can be flexibly configured and expanded according to your needs.

The KX-NS300 has advanced features and starts from 6 analogue trunks and 18 extensions, up to 288 extensions with an Expansion Unit. The KX-NS300 is also a unified communication system which has rich IP features such as mobile linking, integrated voice mail and e-mail, instant messaging (chat), and presence information.

It can also use built-in applications, such as a call centre solution, mobile solution, and voice mail system, to provide more efficient work and increased customer satisfaction.

Unique Features

Auto-attendant / Voice Mail System - The system built-in with 2 channels DISA / Auto-attendant and 2 hours basic voice mail function. It is expandable up to 24 channels and 400 hours. This feature auto-answer incoming calls and transfer to desired extension without operator.

Caller ID - This feature display caller's telephone number on LCD display digital phone and Panasonic KX-T7705 and KX-T7703 analog caller ID phone.

Hotel Features - The system built-in with Hotel / Motel Front Desk Console features such as Check-In / Check-Out, Room Status Indicator, Wake-up Call function etc.

SIP Trunk - This feature enable KX-NS300 connect to any SIP trunk provider to enjoy lower call rate

IP Phone - This system support up to 30 IP Phones

Communication Assistant (CA) - It is a PC based application suite with powerful point and click telephony and screem based presence, availability, and a variety of collaboration tools.

Extra Device Port - The maximum capacity in one chassis is 12 CO trunks and 34 Extensions (18 Digital & 16 Analog). With extra device port on digital phone, the system can support upto 54 Extensions (36 Digital & 16 Analog) without adding expansion chassis.

Panasonic KX - NS300 sistem cerdas Hybrid PBX dibuat untuk komunikasi IP perusahaan ukuran kecil dan menengah yang dapat dikonfigurasi secara fleksibel dan diperluas sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda . Sistem ini mulai dengan 6 port line analog 18 ekstensi ( 2 digital + 16 analog ) dan diupgrade hingga 192 ekstensi dengan unit ekspansi.

 KX - NS300 juga sistem komunikasi terpadu yang telah maju fitur IP seperti menghubungkan ponsel , pesan suara terintegrasi dan email , instant messaging ( chatting ) , dan informasi keberadaan.

Features :
Auto-attendant / Voice Mail System - The system built-in with 2 channels DISA / Auto-attendant and 2 hours basic voice mail function. It is expandable up to 24 channels and 400 hours. This feature auto-answer incoming calls and transfer to desired extension without operator.
Caller ID - This feature display caller's telephone number on LCD display digital phone and Panasonic KX-T7705 and KX-T7703 analog caller ID phone.
Hotel Features - The system built-in with Hotel / Motel Front Desk Console features such as Check-In / Check-Out, Room Status Indicator, Wake-up Call function etc.
 SIP Trunk - This feature enable KX-NS300 connect to any SIP trunk provider to enjoy lower call rate
IP Phone - This system support up to 30 IP Phones
Communication Assistant (CA) - It is a PC based application suite with powerful point and click telephony and screem based presence, availability, and a variety of collaboration tools.
Extra Device Port - The maximum capacity in one chassis is 12 CO trunks and 34 Extensions (18 Digital & 16 Analog). With extra device port on digital phone, the system can support upto 54 Extensions (36 Digital & 16 Analog) without adding expansion chassis.

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