Jual NEC SL2100

Harga Jual Pabx Nec SL2100 Support SIP Phone, IP Phone, Keyphone, Analog Phone. Dapatkan harga yang murah dari kami. Harga Pabx Nrc SL2100 include CPU, Power suplly, Analog Trunk 3 port, 8 Port hibryd. Built-in features include: Web-Based Unified Communication Client VoIP Enabled Unified Messaging Music on Hold Mobility / BYOD / Remote Extension Auto Attendant Audio Conferencing Video Conferencing & Collaboration And more!

Harga Panasonic KX-HTS32

Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-HTS32 Harga Compact Hybrid IP-PBX.
Pabx tipe KX-HTS32 ini sudah include power supply, co line, port untuk extension digital/analog, IP/SIP, Doorphone, serta Voice Message. Sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan komunikasi Small Office / Home Office. Dapatkan Harga Compact Hybrid IP-PBX KX-HTS32 terbaik dari Kami

The KX-HTS32 is a Compact Hybrid IP-PBX which supports a maximum of 8 trunks/24 extensions. It works flexibly in both IP and Legacy configuration(or a mix).Built-in capacity covers all ‘basic’ needs.
The KX-HTS32 has both PSTN/SIP for trunks and single line telephone and SIP terminals for extensions. A full line-up of terminals including video phones is available.
The KX-HTS32 supports a capacity for 6 SIP trunks and 24 SIP extensions without additional devices or activation keys. An analogue capacity of 4 trunks and 8 extensions is also built-in, which can be maximized to 8 trunks and 24 extensions with optional cards. Initial costs can be saved by using built-in hardware.
The built-in Meet-Me Conference Function enables multiple employees to have a quick phone conference by simply dialing the conference room number and PIN number.
This function is built-in to the KX-HTS32 main unit. No additional devices or activation keys are necessary.
Setiap pembelian Pabx Panasonic KX-HTS32 anda mendapatkan FREE SIP Telepon tipe KX-HDV130 untuk program main unit pabx.
Jasa Pemasangan, Setting dan Programming Pabx KX-HTS32
Anda sudah membeli perangkat mesin telepon (pabx KX-HTS32) tetapi tidak mempunyai keahlian untuk pemasangannya?
atau Pabx KX-HTS32 sudah terpasang tetapi belum diprogram?
Silakan hubungi kami.

Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-NS1000


Pabx Panasonic KX-NS1000 Solusi Komunikasi terbaik.

Powerfull Solutions
The flexibility and availability of sales staff are crucial factors for a competitive edge and ensuring customer satisfaction, and they can be enhanced with call handling, speed dialling, and more. Panasonic KX-NS1000 provides all that you need to keep in contact with and manage existing and prospective customers.

IP Networking Flexibility
Pabx Panasonic KX-NS1000 fully supports IP, an open protocol for establishing real-time communication. Using IP effectively can result in compelling advantages such as improving user efficiency, and lowering communication costs.

Built-in Voice Mail
The KX-NS1000’s built-in voice mail can handle incoming calls, record messages and conversations, and manage mailboxes all from a cellular phone. 2 channel and 2 hour voice storage is preinstalled, and this can be expanded to 24 channels and 1000 hours.* Voice mail resources can also be shared across the network (using One-look Networking). *Requires an activation key and the storage memory to be changed

- Voice Mail/Mail Box Feature

- Custom Service

- Automated Attendant

- Interview Service

- Automatic Two-way Recording for Managers

Call Centre Solution

The KX-NS1000 includes an advanced call routing function for small to medium size call centres. This function can be used without an external CTI server. It enables you to provide voice guidance for customers that are waiting, automatically record conversations, and search for past data when replying to customers. You can also export the call data to search by date and use these results to understand problems or opportunities relating to customer service, and back up recorded call data and restore it via network as necessary. Furthermore, the solutions can be expanded to suit more sophisticated call centres in combination with Voice Mail functions, the Communication Assistant and third party CTI applications.

- Queue Announcement

- Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)

- Priority Routing for VIP Calls

- Intercept Routing/Busy on Busy

- Report per Agent/Group

- Multiple Group status Monitor by Supervisors

- Listen-in by Supervisors

- 1:N Ringing (Group Ringing)/Delayed Ringing

- Busy Override

Setting timer dan nomer extension Pabx Pnasonic KX-TES824

Bagaimana cara seting pabx panasonic kx-tes824 mengunakan pesawat telepopn kx-t7730. Sebelum melakukan penyetingan keyphone kx-t7730 dikoneksikan di jack 01 pada port pabx, setelah terkoneksi dapatlah memulai penyetingan. Berikut ini beberapa kode dan cara penyetingan pabx panasonic kx-tes824 Tekan tombol "Program" Tekan "* #" diminta isikan password, isi "1 2 3 4" (password default) Tanggal Dan Waktu Kondisi keyphone kx-t7730 masih di mode program Tekan 000 Tekan "Sp-phone" isi tahun, Tekan " fwd " isi bulan Tekan "fwd" isi " tanggal " Tekan fwd isi jam, Tekan fwd isi menit tekan store kemudian Tekan hold Batas waktu/ Timer Tekan 212 > Sp-phone isi waktu 1- 32 menit Tekan store kemudian hold Menentukan Ext yg di timer Tekan 613, Tekan Sp-phone 2 X cari jack yang akan di beri timer Jack 01(Lihat nomer jacknya di program 009) > enable / disable (Mute) > store > hold Program Extension 009 untuk merubah nomer extension dan mengetahui jack number Tekan 009, Tekan autodial / Store, tekan sp phone, untuk memudahkan sebaiknya dicatat no jack dan extensionnya. Jika masih binggun silakan hubungi/telepon kami

Service Pabx Panasonic

Kami melayani jasa service pabx panasonic, meliputi service pabx yang rusak, bunyi voice kurang bunyi, tidak bisa telpon internal dan external, Pabx mati, penambahan extension.

Kerusakan pabx panasonic dapat disebabkan karena installasi yang kurang baik, kabel yang sudah tua, putus, atau short. Power listrik yang tidak stabil dan tidak terpasangnya stabilizer dan ups. Selain itu faktor alam seperti kilat/petir yang bisa membuat pabx mati total.

Bila anda mengalami kerusakan kerusakan seperti diatas silakan menghubungi kami, dengan segera kami akan mengunjugi anda.
Pabx Panasonic yang kami service semua tipe baik yang analog, digital maupun ip pabx.
Selain itu kami juga melayani jasa pasang pabx, installasi kabel baik telepon dan data, setting program, penjualan dan sebagainya.

Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-TDE200

Rp. 23.890.000
Harga IP PABX Panasonic KX-TDE200 Hybrid IPPBX yang ideal untuk perusahaan dengan 50 sampai 128 pengguna / extension. yang ingin mengambil keuntungan dari manfaat PRI atau T-1 Sirkuit serta memiliki kemampuan untuk memiliki IP Phones yang terhubung ke sistem. Kemampuan untuk mendukung hingga 4 T-1 atau PRI Sirkuit dan dapat menampung nomor DID. Bagi perusahaan yang ingin terhubung ke Line POTS tradisional, sistem ini sangat cocok.Atau, bagi mereka yang ingin mengambil keuntungan dari manfaat dari Voice over IP Telepon Sistem Panasonic TDE dapat menampung banyak kebutuhan mereka. Ia memiliki kemampuan untuk jaringan beberapa situs dan mendukung Sentralisasi Voicemail. Kartu gerbang opsional juga akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memiliki satu resepsionis menjawab telepon untuk beberapa situs dan melihat apakah atau tidak seseorang di telepon. Panggilan kemudian dapat ditransfer ke situs yang tepat oleh 3 digit atau 4 digit panggilan untuk menghindari biaya tol. Voice over IP membantu Anda untuk berhemat pada tagihan telepon Anda, menghindari pajak berat pada saluran telepon Anda, dan bergerak nomor telepon dengan mudah dan murah melalui penggunaan SIP Garis. Anda juga dapat menghubungkan ponsel remote untuk sistem telepon TDE Anda dengan ponsel seri NT300 atau Polycom SOUNDPOINT SIP Phones. Mendukung hingga 128 telepon digital seperti KX-DT300 atau KX-T7600 Series. Hal ini juga mendukung hingga 48 Telepon Analog Proprietary seperti seri KX-T7700, atau 96 Telepon Single Line. Sistem telepon ini juga kompatibel dengan DECT 6.0 Ponsel Nirkabel dengan stasiun sel untuk jangkauan nirkabel maksimum di kantor Anda. Anda dapat menginstal hingga 128 handset nirkabel untuk sistem Anda. Termasuk yang dibangun di CTI link kartu yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk program sistem telepon Anda langsung melalui LAN Anda. Sebuah sistem administrator dapat login ke sistem dan membuat pemrograman perubahan langsung dari komputer mereka, daripada harus memprogram melalui telepon, atau harus menghubungkan komputer ke system.It telepon juga termasuk Music pada port Tahan untuk musik atau pesan di tahan, dan port paging untuk sistem paging overhead. Maximum number of Simple Telephone extensions. VOIP compatible, enabling you to make maixum use of the existing network links between offices and Cutting call costs Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) enables telephone system and PC to act as one co-ordinated business tool. Maximum number of Simple Telephone extensions VOIP compatible, enabling you to make maixum use of the existing network links between offices and Cutting call costs Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) enables telephone system and PC to act as one co-ordinated business tool. Flexible call ringing groups available Integrating DECT cordless telephones ,deal with urgent calls as and when they are received - and save money by not having to return missed calls

Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-TDE600

Rp 58.600.000
IP PBX System Panasonic KX-TDE600

IP PBX System Panasonic KX-TDE600 Converged IP-PBX System, diupgrade sampai 690 Extensions, desain modular KX-TDE600 yang memungkinkan Anda memperluas sistem sebagai kebutuhan Anda. Dasar Shelf menyediakan maksimal 160 port (port 288 dengan Digital eXtra Perangkat Pelabuhan [DXDP]). Ditambah dengan arsitektur slot gratis yang KXTDE600, Anda dapat dengan mudah menyisipkan card ekspansi dan mengakses fitur baru serta memperluas kemampuan Anda. Upgrade ini berarti Anda dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sistem dan fitur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda berubah, tanpa harus membeli sistem baru.

- Max CO Garis 640
- Max Analog CO 640
- Max VoIP (H.323) batang 32
- Max VoIP (SIP) batang 32
- Max Jumlah Ekstensi 992 (1152 dengan DXDP) * * Bahkan ketika Digital XDP digunakan, masing-masing rak mendukung maksimal 256
- KX-DT300 / KX-T7600 seri Max Analog Proprietary Extensions 320
- Telepon Max Single Line 960
- Max Digital Proprietary ekstensi 640 (DT300, seri T7600)
- Max IP Ekstensi telepon Proprietary 672
- Max SIP ekstensi 128
- Multi-Sel Wireless Kompatibel Ya
- Sel Stasiun maksimum (Antena) 128
- Ponsel portabel maksimum 512
- Langsung Station Pilih (DSS) konsol 64
- Dimensi (H x W x D) 16,3 "x 16,9" x 10,6 "(per rak)
- Berat di bawah 35 lbs (per rak)
- Pemrograman, Ekstensi Grup, Intercom.

Fitur dari Panasonic KX-TDE200 Sistem Telepon
-Hybrid IP-PBX Control Unit
- Dukungan Kecil untuk Sistem Komunikasi Besar
- Terpadu SIP Telephony melalui Internet Telephony Service Provider
- Built-in Dukungan untuk Advanced IP Extensions sebagai Yah sebagai Standard SIP Telepon
- IP Phones & Telepon Lembut untuk Remote Pekerja & Road Warriors
- Desktop, Jaringan & Bisnis Integrasi Aplikasi
- Bisnis Produktivitas w / Wireless Mobility Solutions
- Migrasi mudah
- Built-in Voice Mail
- Mengurangi Biaya Total Kepemilikan

Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-NS300

Rp. 7.000.000

KX-NS300 has sufficient capacity for both legacy and IP ports, and an activation key or expansion cabinet can be used to easily expand the system according to customer needs.The Panasonic KX-NS300 Smart Hybrid PBX is a cost effective legacy and IP communication system for small and medium sized companies that can be flexibly configured and expanded according to your needs.

The KX-NS300 has advanced features and starts from 6 analogue trunks and 18 extensions, up to 288 extensions with an Expansion Unit. The KX-NS300 is also a unified communication system which has rich IP features such as mobile linking, integrated voice mail and e-mail, instant messaging (chat), and presence information.

It can also use built-in applications, such as a call centre solution, mobile solution, and voice mail system, to provide more efficient work and increased customer satisfaction.

Unique Features

Auto-attendant / Voice Mail System - The system built-in with 2 channels DISA / Auto-attendant and 2 hours basic voice mail function. It is expandable up to 24 channels and 400 hours. This feature auto-answer incoming calls and transfer to desired extension without operator.

Caller ID - This feature display caller's telephone number on LCD display digital phone and Panasonic KX-T7705 and KX-T7703 analog caller ID phone.

Hotel Features - The system built-in with Hotel / Motel Front Desk Console features such as Check-In / Check-Out, Room Status Indicator, Wake-up Call function etc.

SIP Trunk - This feature enable KX-NS300 connect to any SIP trunk provider to enjoy lower call rate

IP Phone - This system support up to 30 IP Phones

Communication Assistant (CA) - It is a PC based application suite with powerful point and click telephony and screem based presence, availability, and a variety of collaboration tools.

Extra Device Port - The maximum capacity in one chassis is 12 CO trunks and 34 Extensions (18 Digital & 16 Analog). With extra device port on digital phone, the system can support upto 54 Extensions (36 Digital & 16 Analog) without adding expansion chassis.

Panasonic KX - NS300 sistem cerdas Hybrid PBX dibuat untuk komunikasi IP perusahaan ukuran kecil dan menengah yang dapat dikonfigurasi secara fleksibel dan diperluas sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda . Sistem ini mulai dengan 6 port line analog 18 ekstensi ( 2 digital + 16 analog ) dan diupgrade hingga 192 ekstensi dengan unit ekspansi.

 KX - NS300 juga sistem komunikasi terpadu yang telah maju fitur IP seperti menghubungkan ponsel , pesan suara terintegrasi dan email , instant messaging ( chatting ) , dan informasi keberadaan.

Features :
Auto-attendant / Voice Mail System - The system built-in with 2 channels DISA / Auto-attendant and 2 hours basic voice mail function. It is expandable up to 24 channels and 400 hours. This feature auto-answer incoming calls and transfer to desired extension without operator.
Caller ID - This feature display caller's telephone number on LCD display digital phone and Panasonic KX-T7705 and KX-T7703 analog caller ID phone.
Hotel Features - The system built-in with Hotel / Motel Front Desk Console features such as Check-In / Check-Out, Room Status Indicator, Wake-up Call function etc.
 SIP Trunk - This feature enable KX-NS300 connect to any SIP trunk provider to enjoy lower call rate
IP Phone - This system support up to 30 IP Phones
Communication Assistant (CA) - It is a PC based application suite with powerful point and click telephony and screem based presence, availability, and a variety of collaboration tools.
Extra Device Port - The maximum capacity in one chassis is 12 CO trunks and 34 Extensions (18 Digital & 16 Analog). With extra device port on digital phone, the system can support upto 54 Extensions (36 Digital & 16 Analog) without adding expansion chassis.

Harga KX-TDA0181

Panasonic KX TDA0181 16 Port CO/Trunk Card
Compatible with KX-TDA100, KX-TDA200, KX-TDA600, KX-TDE100, KX-TDE 200, KX-TDE 600 Panasonic Phone Systems
Support up to 16 CO Lines per Card
Requires (2) KX-TDA0193 Daughter Board for Caller ID Information
4 ports have power failure transfer
Card requires 1 free slot

Harga KX-TDA1178

Panasonic KX-TDA1178 24-Port Single Line Extension Card
Compatible with KX-TDA100D
24 ports per card for Single Line Devices such as Single Line Phones, Fax Machines, Postal Meter, Credit Card Terminals, hotel/ motel phones, etc
Supports Caller ID to Single Line Telephones
Supports Message Waiting Indicator Light on Single Line Devices
6 ports are equipped with power failure transfer
Equipped with 16 DTMF receivers
Maximum of 5 cards per KX-TDE100 Phone System and KX-TDE200 Phone System

Harga KX-TDA0174

Rp 3.000.000
Panasonic KX TDA0174 16-Port Single Line Extension Card
Compatible with KX-TDA100, KX-TDA200, KX-TDA600, KX-TDE100, KX-TDE 200, KX-TDE600 Panasonic Phone Systems
16 ports per card for Single Line Devices such as Single Line Phones, Fax Machines, Postal Meter, Credit Card Terminals
Not Compatible with KX-TDA0168 Caller ID Card for Single Line Devices, so you will not be able to pass caller ID information to single line devices connected to this card
2 ports are equipped with power failure transfer
Equipped with 16 DTMF receivers
Card requires 1 free slot

Harga IP4WW-24-TXH

RP 1.300.000

Description :

NEC SL1000 24 button digital phone (IP4WW-24TXH-B-TEL) connects to the SL1100 phone system.
  • 24 buttons
  • Backlit keypad and soft keys
  • Adjustable angle
  • Programmable keys with LEDs
  • 4 feature keys and navigation keys
  • Headset port
  • Full Duplex Speakerphone
  • 20 number personal directory
  • 1000 number system/group directory
  • Built-in wall mount kit
  • Dual-color call indicator lamp
  • 8 Selectable ring tones
  • Power saving sleep mode
  • Harga IP4WW-12-TXH


    Description :
  • 12 key versions available
  • Backlit keypad and soft keys
  • Adjustable angle
  • Programmable keys with LEDs 4 feature keys and navigation keys
  • Headset port Full Duplex Speakerphone
  • 20 number personal directory
  • 1000 number system/group directory
  • Built-in wall mount kit
  • Dual-color call indicator lamp
  • Power saving sleep mode
  • 8 Selectable ring tones
  • Standard silver designation sheet or optional charcoal one
  • Also available in white
  • Harga KX-TDA6178

    Rp. 6.800.000
    Panasonic KX-TDA6178 24 Port SLT Card w/ CID

    The Panasonic KX-TDA6178 SLT card is a 24-port analog line card with caller ID. The caller ID identifies the caller at all ports as standard Frequency shift keying. The card lets you connect analog devices such as phones, faxes and modems. The card has 16 DTMF receivers and 6 ports operating with no power.

    Panasonic KX-TDA6178

    - Compatible with KX-TDE600 and KX-TDA600 Panasonic Phone Systems
    - 24 Port Single Line Telephone Card
    - Caller ID
    - Standard Frequency Shift Keying
    - Connect Analog Device
    - 16 DTMF Receivers
    - 6 Ports Operating with No Power

    Part Number: KX-TDA6178

    harga IP4WW-408E-A1

    Rp. 3.000.000
    4-port Loop Start Trunks & 8-port Hybrid Station Interface

    This is the expansion interface card, and is installed into 1632M KSU/1632ME EXP. Up to
    4 analog trunk and 8 hybrid extension ports are mounted per a card. Also, 1 Power
    Hanya di gunakan di Pabx Nec SL1000
    Failure transfer circuit is equipped on this card (1st trunk port to 8th extension port).

    Harga KX-TDA100D Panasonic Hibrid IP PABX

    Hybrid IP PBX System- Up to 64 Extensions The KXTDA100 is a next generation product, combining PBX reliability with IP technology offering efficient and flexible communication. It can be configured to meet their present needs and expand as their applications grow or change.

    Investment in a telecommunication system requires business communication foresight. Businesses need to be able to effectively communicate today - yet want to make sure that they are properly equipped to handle the growing demands of their future communication needs.

    Packed with a repertoire of advanced telephony solutions, the IP-enabled KX-TDA100 and TDA200 communication solutions bring a wide range of benefits to help solve your company's communication needs.

    Solutions - such as Wireless Mobility allows companies to enable employees the freedom to roam without worrying about missing important calls from potential customers, while the Voice Messaging solution can easily improve customer service and extend your business operational hours.

    Built-in call centre functionality can help businesses improve communication efficiency and allow you to serve customers more effectively. The IP-enabled KX-TDA100 and KX-TDA200 PBXs make it easy to distribute calls, manage agents handling calls, and controls office use of the phone system.

    Features :
    • Caller Line Identification
    • Direct Dial Inward Numbers
    • Easy to Use Menu Driven Handsets
    • Transfer Calls out to Mobiles

    Harga Panasonic KX-TDA600 HIBRID IP PABX

    Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-TDA600 Hibryd IP PABX - Panasonic KX-TDA600 Hybrid IP-PBX Digital Business Phone System.
    Pabx Panasonic KX-TDA Hybrid IP PBX supports the entire range of Digital, IP, DECT Wireless and Analogue telephone extensions.
    Panasonic IP-Enabled KX-TDA600 business telephony solution combines advantages of traditional telecommunications together with the convergence of IP technology - offering maximum feature and flexibility to handle all your corporate communication needs.
    Hybrid IP PBX Sistem - Sampai dengan 960 ekstensi.
    PANASONIC KX-TDA600 ideal untuk begitu banyak aplikasi yang berbeda. Ini termasuk perhotelan, call center, pengguna jauh dan jaringan IP. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk efisiensi yang lebih besar, dengan DECT dan IP handset dapat memberikan mobilitas dan fleksibilitas di sekitar kantor, situs atau jaringan.
    KX TDA600 juga dapat berintegrasi dengan kisaran suara KXT-VM dengan pengiriman email yang terintegrasi. Memanfaatkan gateway dan extender atau IP handset, pekerja rumahan dan cabang terpencil dapat mengakses fitur platform komunikasi pusat Anda. Dibangun di atas dua puluh tahun pengalaman mengembangkan teknologi komunikasi bisnis, bagian atas hibrida rentang
    IP PBX KX TDA600 bekerja mulus dengan IT, dan menggabungkan suara dan data.
    Max CO Lines: 640
    Max Analog COs: 640
    Max VoIP (H.323) trunks: 32
    Max Total Extensions: 960 (1120 using DXDP)
    Max Analog Proprietary Extensions: 320
    Max Single Line Telephones: 960
    Max Digital Proprietary extensions: 512 (640 with T7600, DT300 series)
    Max IP Proprietary Phone extensions: 640
    Multi-Cell Wireless Compatibility
    Maximum Cell Stations (Antennas): Up to 128
    Maximum Portable Handsets: 256 ( 512 with memory expansion card)
    Maximum Doorphones: 64
    Centralized Voicemail: with KX-TVA Voice Mail Systems
    Direct Station Select (DSS) Consoles: 64
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 16.3 x 16.9 x 10.6 (per shelf)
    Part Number: KX-TDA600

    Harga Panasonic KX-TDE100 Pabx IP

    Rp. 14.600.000


    Panasonic IP PABX KX-TDE100 can support up to 128 SIP telephone as extensions. Companies can now use standard available SIP phones and connect them to the Panasonic IP PABX KX-TDE100 as IP extensions to support in- house office users, Remote workers and even road warriors connecting back to the office over high-speed broadband IP network from virtually anywhere.

    System Capacity PANASONIC IP PABX KX-TDE100

    Trunk (Physical Trunk Card): 120
    Trunk (Virtual Trunk Card): 32
    Extension (Physical Extension Card): 160
    Extension (Virtual Extension Card): 128
    Total Number of Extensions: 256
    Single Line Telephone (SLT): 96
    Analogue Proprietary Telephone (APT): 24
    SIP Extension: 128
    DSS Console: 8
    Basic Cell Station (CS): 32
    High-Density CS: 16
    Portable Station (PS): 128
    Voice Processing System (VPS): 2
    Doorphone: 16
    Door Opener: 16
    External Sensor: 16
    External Relay: 16

    Specifications PANASONIC IP PABX KX-TDE100

    Control Bus:
    Original bus (16-bit, 8 MHz, 10 megabytes per second)
    Communication Bus:
    H.100 bus conformity (1024 time slots)
    Power Input:
    External Battery:
    +36 V DC (+12 V DC x 3, recommended maximum capacity is 28 Ah)
    Maximum Power Failure Tolerance:
    300 ms (without using backup batteries)
    Trunk, Dial Pulse (DP) 10 pps, 20 ppsTone (DTMF) Dialling
    Extension, Dial Pulse (DP) 10 pps, 20 pps Tone (DTMF) Dialling
    Mode Conversion:
    Ring Frequency:
    20 Hz/25 Hz (Selectable)
    Trunk Loop Limit:
    1600 Maximum
    Conference Call Trunk:
    From 10 x 3-party conference call to 4 x 8-party conference call
    Music on Hold (MOH):
    2 ports (Level Control: -11 dB to + 11 dB in 1 dB steps)
    MOH1:External Music Source port
    MOH2:Selectable Internal/External Music Source port
    Serial Interface Port:
    334 mm(W) x 390 mm(H) x 272 mm(D)


    Line up Panasonic IP PABX KX-TDE100


    Power supply: Power M (KX-TDA0104) / Power L (KX-TDA0103)

    line PTT: 8 port line ptt (KX-TDA0180), 16 port line ptt (KX-TDA0181)

    Extension analog: 16 port extension analog (KX-TDA1176), 24 port extension analog (KX-TDA1178)

    Extention digital: 8 port extension digital (KX-TDA0171), 16 port extension digital (KX-TDA0172)

    Optional, 1 slot card:
    KX-TDA0188, E1 Trunk Card
    KX-TDA0290, PRI Trunk 30 Channel
    KX-TDA0484, Voip Gateway 4 Channel
    KX-TDA0490, Voip Gateway 8 Channel

    Harga Pabx Panasonic KX-TES824 Analog Pabx

    Rp 3,300.000
    Pabx Panasonic KX-TES824 analogue telephone system has taken telephone systems for small to mid-sized companies a giant leap forward, offering features seldom available in this category.

    3-level Automatic Reception with voice guidance
    DISA (Direct Inward System Access) with message
    Built-in Voice Message (BV)
    Caller ID display on SLT and APT
    Flexible SMS routing
    Intuitive customisation and maintenance
    UCD (Uniform Call Distribution) with message
    Doorphones, Door Openers, and Doorbells
    Automatic configuration for outside (CO) line type
    Centralised feature setting for T7710 (PBX mode)
    PC programming (USB/RS232C) and easy maintenance
    CO busy out
    Budget management
    Call charge calculation

    Useful and Efficient Features
    3-level Automatic Reception with Voice Guidance
    allows outside callers to access any extension without going through an operator. Automatic greeting message (3-level) can be recorded by the operator or manager directing the caller to an appropriate section. "For the Sales Dept., press 1." (Level 1) "For the PBX group, press 2." (Level 2) "For Mark, press1." (Level 3) Callers can also dial the desired destination not only to an extension, but Ring Group*, or even outside lines. When the system receives a fax transmission signal by DISA, it automatically connects the specified fax extension. Fax calls can be received day or night without an operator and there is no need for a special fax phone line.
    * All phones in the group will ring simultaneously, allowing any member of the group to answer the call.

    Built-in Voice Message (BV)*
    Now you can enjoy the efficiency and ease of use of voice messaging without adding a separate voice mail system. The optional Voice Message Card ensures you’ll never miss a call or important message from a customer or colleague. Customise your mailbox by recording your own greeting messages that are played when you can’t answer your phone. Your callers can record their messages directly into your personal mailbox, allowing you to receive private information without relying on hand-written notes and memos. Call Centres and Workgroups can use the common message area for recording caller messages that can be played back later by an operator (manager). For more advanced voice messaging needs, a Panasonic Voice Processing System (VPS) gives you even more professional flexibility and control. * An optional Voice Message Card is required.

    Caller ID Display on SLTs and APTs*
    Caller Recognition
    Better Call Management
    The system is compatible with Caller ID, which allows a user to see the caller’s information on the displays of Single Line Telephones (SLTs) that supports Caller ID display and Analogue Proprietary Telephones (APTs). Proprietary display telephones can be used to access the Caller ID log for the 20 most recent calls (Call Log). And the system has 300 common logs. The logged incoming calls can be called back easily. *An optional card is required.
    Please contact your dealer or phone company to confirm if the Caller ID service is available in your area.

    Harga Pabx Nec SV9100


    Pabx Nec SV9100 gives your staff smart, reliable mobile applications that enhance their ability to provide quality services to your customers.

    Pabx NEC Univerge SV9100 Communications Server is a Unified Communications solution that is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Its intelligent design helps to solve today's communications challenges and is built to scale as your business grows.

    PABX NEC SV9100 in two variations to meet the needs of the smallest businesses to those with almost a thousand employees:
    PABX NEC SV9100E is for small to medium businesses that wish to take full advantage of what IP and Unified Communications has to offer.
    The SV9100S is for small businesses that just want the basics, but also want a system that will grow with their company and will migrate to an SV9100E when ready.

    The SV9100 is:
    Distinct, scalable, IP Unified Communication enabled solution Highly reliable

    The SV9100 has:
    - Simplified user licensing structure
    - Comprehensive suite of Unified Communications and Contact Center solutions
    - Broad range of mobility applications and devices
    - Vertical market-specific solution integrations
    - Wide-range of end-points
    - Single point configuration and management
    - Multi-Line SIP Client, Multi-Carrier Support

    NEC SV9100 does:
    - Comply with all regulatory standards
    - Deliver on NEC's green initiatives
    - Safeguard your investment

    Harga Nec SV8100

    Rp 30.400.000
    PABX SV8100 offers centralized management of phones, data systems and platforms; moves, adds and changes of SV8100 phones are quick and easy. Just plug any phone into any jack wherever it is needed and it is ready to go! PABX SV8100 Communications Server offers a scalable, reliable, full-featured communications solution to meet a growing business’s needs. Deployment of a pure IP solution or any combination of IP and traditional circuit-switched technology is supported on a single SV8100 system. PABX SV8100 enables you to streamline business processes and enables your staff/customers to reach the right resources with one call. UNIVERGE SV8100 FEATURES Unique interchangeable handset design Unique Net link survivability between branches Unique Bluetooth handset Modular architecture for economical scalability VoIP and traditional voice support Aggressively priced Embedded applications including voice mail Mobile Extensions at no extra cost

    Harga Pabx Nec SL1000

    Rp 4.965.000

    Pabx Nec SL1000 makes your team more reachable, more responsive and more productive, Nec SL1000 can make your entire workforce more productive, wherever they are.

    Value for Money
    • Powerful communications with a small business price tag
    • Only pay for what you need, with an entirely scalable solution
    • Lower running costs considerably by making smarter use of your communications

    Easy to use
    • Intuitive features that the whole team can use, without the need for training
    • Handsets and applications include shortcuts that speed up working processes
    • Time-saving applications empower your team to become more productive

    Lean and Green
    • Energy effi ciency mode, contributing to a healthier environment
    • Built-in conferencing for a greener approach to business meetings
    • A range of home working options to help lower fuel emissions

    Keep them connected
    • Use your mobile to stay contactable on your offi ce number, from anywhere
    • Never miss a thing, with enhanced voicemail to keep you up to date

    PABX NEC SL1000 starts from 4 trunk lines and 8 extensions scales up to 128 extensions (230 ports). The system is Flexible to suit any changing demands of communication infrastructure.
    PABX NEC SL1000 is ready with the capability of VoIP (Voice over IP) trend, or for possible change in the future for both H.323 and standard SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) trunks and extensions.
    PABX NEC SL1000 is equipped with rich Built-in functions that improve the employees’ communication environment, contributing to save the Total Cost of Ownership. SL1000 – BENEFITS

    Handy and Useful Functions
    SL1000 is equipped with rich Built-in functions that improve the employees’ communication environment, contributing to save the Total Cost of Ownership.
    Hybrid Concept
    SL1000 provides Hybrid ports, realizing seamless integration of multiline terminal, single line telephones, facsimiles, and more without complex settings.
    Scalable Architecture
    SL1000 starts from 4 trunk lines and 8 extensions scales up to 128 extensions (230 ports). The system is Flexible to suit any changing demands of communication infrastructure.

    IP Telephony
    SL1000 is ready with the capability of VoIP (Voice over IP) trend, or for possible change in the future for both H.323 and standard SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) trunks and extensions.
    Feature Rich IP Terminal
    SL1000 provides 24-key IP terminal, having the same usage as a multiline terminal in the office IP environment. And this IP terminal can be located out of office as Remote Extension.

    Productive Communication
    Increase efficiency by fully utilizing features such as, Conference, Automated Attendant, Call Forwarding, Doorphone connectivity and more, in the system for a productive office communication environment.
    Web-based Manager
    The terminal and system setting are easily customizable to suit the user's preference.
    Unique Features
    Office / Home Guard functions which provide an auto warning message and alarm sensor support upon being triggered. Also Mobile Extension feature provides “Mobility”.

    Lower Power Consumption
    SL1000 uses less power consumption than most legacy systems. It is approximately 25%* lower than previous models, and reduces the total cost of ownership by minimizing the office electricity expense, at the same time saving the environment by going green.
    * Comparison with our conversional model
    Power Saving Mode
    SL1000 allows automatic standby mode during office closing hours. This feature saves the system’s energy when it is not in use, and increases its overall performance.

    Room monitoring from outside
    Warning Message during night mode
    Remote Inspection, with auto-emergency call
    Sensor Connectivity with auto-emergency call and warning message sending
    Built-In Auto Answer
    (Standby mode) during night mode
    TDM/IP Coverage
    ISDN Compatibility
    Voice Mail Integration
    Paging Announcement
    Programmable Function Keys


    Dimensions 375(W) x 290(H) x 115(D) mm
    Input Power 90-264 VAC, 50/60Hz
    Output Voltage -27 V (81 W)
    Related Voltage -27 V
    Load Fluctuation -25.92 V to -28 V (-27.0 V ±4%)
    Output Current 3.0 A
    Number of Ports 230 Ports
    Networking SIP Trunk Interconnection 16 Channels
    Applications Mobile extensions
    Hotel Feature
    Email Notification Messages
    NAT Traversal
    Interface Ethernet Port
    Protocol Devices SIP-enabled, H.323
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